Free stationary from Unication4u
Unication4u offers you free study materials that you can devote your time at university to nicer things. Invest in your future and get in contact with your future employer!
You can order the stationary package online easily and even for FREE!!
Your package will be delivered as soon as possible.
Be productive!
Be happy! You will save money and can use your new stationary until you need supplies again.

Companies finance the learning material with advertisements so that they reach YOU!

We make sure that the ads are tailored to you and will connect you with businesses.

You will receive a free package with lots of stationary delivered to your home.

Venture Club MĂĽnster as one of our partners, supporters and network.
As a student, you need a lot of stationary, including college notepads, pens, sticky notes, highlighters and much more. After the Library, the ballpoint pen is already empty again or the college notepad is already completely full of writing. When was the last time I went to the stationery store and bought a new one? Wasn’t it just last week? Now I have to go to the stationery store and buy overpriced study materials? Studying for college without stationary? Very difficult without a college notebook and pen…. Many work on a desktop PC or tablet, but sometimes a bit of paper can’t be missing either and that’s why we offer you the perfect solution:
Unication4u offers a solution for these worries! The annoying way to the stationery store is omitted, because we send your learning package directly to your home and the constantly accruing costs for new learning material are also omitted. You do not only get great stationary, but you also get information that will help you in your studies, for example, you can find job postings for your next internship and connect to future employers. Stay excited! Convinced?
Order your free stationary package now 🙂